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Posted Mon Apr 01 2024

QLD ARE YOU READY FOR THIS YEARS BIGGEST EVENT!! Join us on the 20th of April to clean up the the tracks we love! The glass house mountains is quickly becoming one of the most loved 4x4 tracks, however, if we don’t act now we will lose it! We will be running 2 groups out on the tracks for some wheeling and rubbish pick up! We’ll have an Extreme crew and an easy/moderate crew! To keep wheeling we need to take care of the tracks we drive and this is the perfect time for it! We will be heading to the Tarella Pub after the track clean up for a massive feed plus the BIGGEST raffle yet! We will be raffling away an air compressor, Trojan Tracks and MORE!!! Be there or be square! Make sure you follow all of our social platforms to stay in the loop! If you would like to attend please message me on DRIVEN WILD 4x4

Chuck us a follow across all social platforms!



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