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2021 Ford Ranger PX3

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I'm tossing up between the flat and angled phat bars rock sliders at the moment. did you consider them or just wanted the straight all along?

Yeah man, I was thinking angled and then also since then seen styleworks doing some real neat tidy ones, but I use the step a fair bit and even with the checker plate it can be slippery with a bit of mud. Angled for the look but flat it pretty practical


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Did you look at any other options for canopies? The one you ended up with is sick!

Yeah bro. Considered so many options. Wished Shannon’s engineering did anything other than 79 canopies as that would have been first choice but realistically the steel tray would have been too heavy. Narrowed it down to Mits, Gworks and another brand. Ended up choosing gworks and very happy with the choice.

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How do you find the roof rack/table combo? Is it worth the spend?

Haha roof rack is great. Table is probably a bit over the top for the price. I love it though.

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